Job on web

Job on web

This topic links to documentation resources about how to use Azure WebJobs and the Azure WebJobs SDK. Azure WebJobs provide an easy way to run scripts or programs as background processes in the context of an App Service web app, API app, or mobile app. You can upload and run an executable file such as as cmd, bat, exe (.NET), ps1, sh, PHP, by, js, and jar. These programs run as WebJobs on a schedule (cron) or continuously. 

The purpose of the WebJobs SDK is to simplify the code you write for common tasks that a WebJob can perform, such as image processing, queue processing, RSS aggregation, file maintenance, and sending emails. The WebJobs SDK has built-in features for working with Azure Storage and Service Bus, for scheduling tasks and handling errors, and for many other common scenarios.

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In addition, it's designed to be extensible, and there's an open source repository for extensionsAzure Functions(currently in preview) is based on a version of the WebJobs SDK that works with C# script, Node.js, and other languages. Creating, deploying, and managing WebJobs is seamless with integrated tooling in Visual Studio. You can create WebJobs from templates, publish, and manage (run, stop,monitor, and debug) them. 
The WebJobs dashboard in the Azure portal provides powerful management capabilities that give you full control over the execution of WebJobs, including the ability to invoke individual functions within WebJobs. The dashboard also displays function runtimes and logging output. 

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A web designer creates the look, layout, and features of a website. The job involves understanding both graphic design and computer programming. Once a website is created, a designer helps with maintenance and additions to the website. They work with development teams or managers for keeping the site up-to-date and prioritizing needs, among other tasks. According to O*Net Online in 2016, 43% of web developers held a bachelor's degree, 20% had an associate's degree, and 13% had a post-secondary certificate. 
Web designers need education in computer technology and website design to be competitive in the job market. An associate's degree program related to web design, such as an Associate of Applied Science in Web Graphic Design, provides a student with a foundation in the design and technical aspects of creating a website.


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